I am extremely proud to say I have been selected to show some of my pieces at 'Making It 2023'.
"MAKE Southwest, in partnership with Design-Nation, Find a Maker/Craft Festival and Low Carbon Devon, invited applications to be part of its ambitious exhibition and development programme for emerging talents in the Southwest.
Held every 2 years, Making It aims to be the leading showcase for emerging artists, makers and designers in the Southwest, celebrating innovation, diversity and collaboration in craft and making. The exhibition will see up to 20 emerging talents shown in the prestigious Jubilee Gallery at MAKE Southwest, along with an engaging programme of exhibitor and public events."

Make Southwest Craft Website
I feel very honoured to be selected and also..very nervous!
More information can be found here.
Update -
This week, I got to visit the exhibition at Make SouthWest. It was wonderful and it felt very special being part of it. You can have a sneak peek at the exhibition in my reel below. It was definitely worth a visit!